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"Improved coordination and balance. Riding a tricycle requires the child to use different parts of the body, such as the hands, arms, legs, and feet. This helps develop the child’s motor skills and coordination between various muscle groups. The child also learns to balance the tricycle while steering, pedalling, and stopping.
Confidence. As the child learns to ride a tricycle, he or she gains more confidence in his or her abilities. The child can explore new places, overcome obstacles, and enjoy the ride. Riding a tricycle also gives the child a sense of achievement and pride.
Independence. Riding a tricycle allows the child to move around on his or her own, without needing much assistance from the parents. The child can choose where to go, how fast to go, and when to stop. This fosters the child’s independence and decision-making skills.
Knowledge of vehicle accessories. Riding a tricycle introduces the child to various parts of a vehicle, such as the wheels, the steering, the pedals, the bell, and the basket. The child learns how these parts work and how they affect the movement of the tricycle. This can help the child understand other vehicles better in the future.
Safety awareness. Riding a tricycle teaches the child to be aware of his or her safety and the safety of others. The child learns to follow the rules of the road, such as stopping at signs, riding with traffic, and using the bell or horn. The child also learns to avoid spills, collisions, and injuries by controlling the speed and direction of the tricycle.
Riding a tricycle is not only beneficial for kids but also for parents. It can be a great way to bond with your kids, have fun together, and encourage physical activity. You can also join your kids on your bike or walk alongside them."
"Dimensions of individual PACKAGE in CM" 53 x 103 x 24.5 cm
shipping time |
warranty |
Age Group |
Dimensions |
70kgs |
3-4 DAYS |
On manufacturer's defect only |
5-8year | 96x24.5x47cm |
Age and Weight Limits: Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the age and weight limits of the tricycle.
Avoid exposing the vehicle to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight for prolonged periods.
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