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The Trinx Folding Mountain Bike Flybird 2.0 is an alloy with a 20-inch wheel size. It is equipped with 8-speed Shimano components.
It has an alloy fork and mechanical disc brakes. Maximum speed on the highest gear with a sustainable pace is around 20-25 km/h. This Folding Mountain Bike is Great for touring around communities.
It allows you to take it on a car or public transit back home when you cannot cycle back for reasons.
Push-to-go, when folded, allows you to move it around indoors, like in a mall or MRT. Carry it anywhere with ease. The same Colors may or may not be available. The bike is completely designed in Italy.
Trinx Folding Mountain Bike Flybird 2.0 Alloy 20':
Shipping Time |
Warranty |
Age Group |
80 Kg |
2-5 Working Days |
On manufacturer's defect only |
over 5 years |
Bikes have really gone up in price, but this one was reasonable for the quality you get. It is very sturdy and a really nice metallic blue color. My 6 year old loves that it has had brakes and gears. It was a little tall for him at first with even adjusting the seat, but it will last him for a while. Great purchase!
Purchased it for my granddaughter, and she absolutely loves it. Bike is very well made, easy to assemble, and everything on it worked straight out of the box. It is very adjustable to fit a child. The hand brake levers are adjustable to allow small hands to use them without having to stretch the fingers. The gear selector works really good. Would buy this product again in a heartbeat.
We had to replace this bike because a part in the seat wasn't right. Which was easy. Then the second one went together perfectly until my husband went to ride it and the hand bars wouldn't stay in place.
great bike. not super heavy. my 6 yo loves it. we put the seat at it's lowest and he can barely reach the ground but he loves it so much that he was determined to learn to make it work. fell many times. bike got some scratches on the first day but still in great condition. very sturdy
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