White Electric Ride on car Mclaren Premium Version  12V- MGA STAR MARKETING

ركوب كهربائي على سيارة ماكلارين بريميوم اصدار 12 فولت

$326.48 USD
$0.00 USD
$326.48 USD
اللون: orange
10 customers are viewing this product
Megastar Kids Electric Rideon car 12 v Licensed Mclaren Premium Version - Rafplay

ركوب كهربائي على سيارة ماكلارين بريميوم اصدار 12 فولت

$0.00 USD $326.48 USD

ركوب كهربائي على سيارة ماكلارين بريميوم اصدار 12 فولت

$0.00 USD $326.48 USD
اللون: orange

وصف سيارة الركوب الكهربائية مكلارين بريميوم الإصدار 12 فولت:

ميزات سيارة الركوب الكهربائية ماكلارين بريميوم الإصدار 12 فولت:

وضع التحكم: يدوي / عن بعد
* المحرك: 70 واط (2 × 35 واط)
* البطارية: 12 فولت 7AH
* السرعة: 3-8 كم / ساعة ، حسب الوزن
* الوضع: شاشة عالية السرعة / منخفضة السرعة: LCD نعم المقاعد: إطارات جلدية: مطاط Eva
* سعة التحميل: 35 كجم
* وقت التشغيل: ما يصل إلى ساعتين لكل شحنة كاملة
* حزام الأمان: قابل للتعديل


يرجى تجنب التخزين في الشمس والحرارة والماء. لا تفرط في شحن السيارة بعد 7-8 ساعات. أقصى. تأكد من إعادة شحن سيارات الركوب بمجرد انخفاض السرعة. تجنب استنزاف البطارية بالكامل للحفاظ على عمر بطارية الركوب.

تجنب الشمس حرارة الماء. وتجنب استنزاف كامل للبطارية

الفئة العمرية


وقت الشحن

أقصى وزن

2-5 سنوات

في عيوب الشركات المصنعة فقط

5-7 أيام

30 كجم

يمكنك مشاهدة فيديو المنتج هنا:

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Kid car

Great car. Just the hinges on the doors need to be better. They break easy.

Amazing little car!

Love all the extras and the quality of this car. The remote makes it a no worry fun as you can control where they go or if they need to stop. This car was a bit pricey compared to others I looked at but it was definitely worth the extra money! I have no regrets and would purchase it again!

Awesome car

This car is awesome! 2 small issues. 1. Reverse is a little too much torque so it causes my kids head to sway back every time 2. I received the wrong color at first but they did amazing at getting the car replaced. Customer service is 5/5! All in all my kid loved it for his bday!

Amazing little car...wish it was mine!

This car is amazing!! I got it for my daughters first birthday and she seriously loves it. It has the cool doors that open up, Bluetooth so I can connect my own music to the car, led lights, it even has its own music already programmed in the car as well. It has a remote so with her being so young I can control the car. And this company is amazing..I of course lost the remote control and I emailed them and they responded promptly and sent me another remote free of charge! Worth the money! And the color is gorgeous!

Heidi Gustus
Great Seller When Problems Arise

The car is very realistic and well built for a kids car. It came (shipped) well protected and was very easy to put together. I had an issue when starting it fort he first time. One of the wires started smoking causing the room to fill with smoke. We are very lucky the car did not start on fire. I contacted the seller and they did a fantastic job at responding and lining everything up to ship the car back and get a replacement one. I highly recommend the seller!

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